Thursday, February 21, 2013


Velvet Morning 

I was awake early this morning
And the grass was damp with dew,
I sat outside and waited
For the dawn to come peeping through.

I took my cup of coffee with me
And waited for the dayspring
Soon the sky was changing
And the birds were on the wing.

I watched as oh so gently
Mother Nature drew the curtain back
Revealing many muted colours ~
No more velvet black.

Soft and fluffy clouds appeared
In a silver grey blue sky
A waxing gibbous moon still lingered
In the quiet morning sky.

Morning noises soon were heard
As neighbours left for toil,
The beauty of this morning
None could ever spoil.

A spider kept on working 
And his web was damp with dew
The diamond dew drops thrilled me
The world was born anew.

A time of peace and solace
A time quite set apart
When I communed with nature
Face to face, and heart to heart.

© Linda J. Vaughan

February 2st. 2013

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